Faculty Course Developer Training
The Faculty Course Developer Training is designed to assist faculty in designing an online course. It has four (4) modules:
- M1 Introduction to the Design Process
- M2 Content Curation, Technology Selection, and UDL
- M3 Assessing Online Students
- M4 Activities in Online Contexts.
It is estimated that the course will take approximately ten (10) hours to complete. The Faculty Course Developer training is research-based and requires faculty to create objects including an introductory video, course map, rubric, discussion prompt, etc using components of the course management system.
FAQ regarding the Faculty Course Developer Training
How do I sign up?
To sign up, please send an email to and they will place you in the D2L self-paced modules.
Are online faculty mandated to go through this training?
Faculty are not required to complete the training, but learning more about the principles of instructional design and about uses of technology that will engage students in higher-order thinking will make your teaching more effective and more enjoyable.
What will I do in the Training?
You will be assigned a course shell where you will complete some of the assignments. Activities to complete in the training include the creation of: a course map, an introduction video, modules and Submodules, an HTML content page, a D2L quiz, a discussion forum and topic, a dropbox assignment, and a rubric.
I have been teaching online for years, so why would I need training?
Although faculty are subject matter experts in their disciplines, they often have not had the opportunity to keep up with research and trends in instructional design. CTAT has created this training so that you can familiarize yourself with some of the most effective techniques for engaging your students in the online environment and to make sure that they are truly mastering the course material.
How long do I have to complete the training?
We would like for you to complete the training in thirty days.
Can I take a break while working in the course?
Yes, you can.
What part of the training is required for me to receive my certificate?
All four modules need to be completed before you can receive your certificate
How do I show I have completed the course so I can receive my certificate?
By printing the certificate of completion that you are awarded once you have completed all four modules.
Can I reprint my certificate?
Yes, you can.
Who will verify I have fulfilled all the requirements so I can receive my certificate?
CTAT staff.